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On Saturday, Sep 21st, I had a book signing at Costco, Coleman Avenue, Santa Clara. Given the reach Costco has, it was no doubt exciting. I arrived a few minutes early, found my table and arranged my books and my cards, eager to start the day.

I catch myself wondering sometimes about the ROI of attending book fairs, book readings, book signings. (It’s hard being a writer with a financial background!) But I have realized that often it is much more than just the numbers. It is about the connections you make. It was so with this event too.

 As the crowd picked up and people walked past by, some stopped to chat, some looked at my album with pictures of my publishing journey, some shared how excited they were about the book and yes, some bought the book. 

As I was standing I noticed a man who was walking back and forth passing my table, to the sample stations. He paused and smiled at me each time he passed by. Then one-time he stopped and narrated how he used to come to this Costco with his Dad years back. His Dad was no more now. He wanted to rekindle his memories walking through the aisles of Costco. 

In some time, a lady who was cleaning the floors stopped by and looked at my books. She couldn’t speak much English but it was clear she was excited. She pointed at her arms to show how she had goosebumps and then broke down. I gave her a hug and thanked her for stopping by. Her friend later mentioned she was emotional about standing next to an author. 

I met teachers from neighborhood schools and preschools. I presented the book to a technical education specialist. I met parents who had seen my book at the library and just wanted to congratulate me. I chatted with folks who just wanted to stop by and encourage me to keep going. 

Regardless of the number of books sold, I can safely say, I was touched, honored, moved and just energized with all the interaction. Much about writing a book is about connecting to readers. I sold books that day, but more importantly, I connected with my readers, and that’s what maybe makes the event a success.

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