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My kids went back to in-person school today. It’s just for two hours this week but still, the elation is real. It’s been a long year. A year of no field trips, no racing each other around the tracks, no monkey bar throw downs, no impromptu bey-blade battles, and no lunch-time shenanigans. It’s not all back to normal, but still, the end is in sight.

Not bad, for an adult.

As adults, we are kind to our children when they try new things. Even if the circle isn’t round, we admire it. Even if the handwriting is loopy, we applaud it. We clap when they jump rope 30 times and cheer when they run around the block.

But when it comes to appraising ourselves. What if we were kinder to ourselves?

I’m Bored

I am dealing with a problem this summer. I am sure a lot of you are too. In the absence of our usual travel plans and summer camps, the kids are at home – the entire time. And every few minutes during the day, the sultry air is punctured with this poignant phrase, “Mamma, I’m bored!”


Published on KQED(NPR) Perspectives on May 7, 201 Sandhya Acharya would love to have the soaring confidence of her six-year-old. Who wouldn’t like to believe that everything about you is just great? One afternoon, in my son’s schoolyard, I watched… Read More »CONFIDENCE