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Ritu weds Chandni
Author/Illustrator: Ameya Narvankar
Publisher: Yali Books
Reviewed copy on NetGalley

Ritu weds Chandni is a book that directly deals with homophobia. In the book, Ayesha’s cousin, Ritu, is getting married to Chandni. Even though her immediate family supports her cousin, Ayesha soon realizes that Ritu and Chandni have not been accepted by the rest of the family and society. In fact, there are elements that actively try to ruin the wedding procession. But Ayesha is determined to help her cousin and confronts the people disrupting the celebration. The rest of the family and friends follow her lead. Ritu and Chandni persist and the wedding takes place in the presence of their near and dear ones and their unwavering love. The illustrations are vibrant and capture the sense of the joy and glamor of a wedding celebration.

Children’s books are a great conversation starter for topics you are wondering how to bring up to children. And if, as parents and caregivers, you are hesitating to bring up ‘difficult’ topics, I believe, children can actually be a very astute audience. They have no prejudice, they are naturally curious and have an extraordinary capacity to empathize. When I read the story to my eight-year-old, he said he really liked how Ayesha took a stand. It reminded him of how brave Martin Luther King was for what he believed in. A story of triumph, standing up for what you truly believe in, and the power of unconditional love. You can preorder the book on Yali books or Amazon and more

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