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Green Fork

The toddler sulked and the pancake lay uneaten. I had looked everywhere for the green fork. In the kitchen cabinet, the laundry basket, the garage, the coat closet, and socks drawer. It was nowhere.

Competitiveness starts young


Lately, my 5-year-old has been a bit obsessed with ‘coming first’. He has to be the first one to brush his teeth, finish breakfast, press down on the sprinkler heads in the lawn, climb into his car seat and so on.

Quality or quantity

What’s in a Toy?

We were running some errands one weekend when I walked into a Toy store for an urgent purchase with my 4-year-old. I knew it was a mistake – going there with him – as soon as we walked in. As he reveled in his Toy heaven, I thought of “What’s in a Toy? What is it that holds the rapture for a child?”