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My mother calls my five-year-old Kaarbaaru. It is in colloquial Kannada and difficult to translate into English. But loosely, it means someone who is constantly “doing” something. The something is not maleficent, not even mischief but usually ends up in… Read More »KAARBAARU


Published on KQED(NPR) Perspectives on May 7, 201 Sandhya Acharya would love to have the soaring confidence of her six-year-old. Who wouldn’t like to believe that everything about you is just great? One afternoon, in my son’s schoolyard, I watched… Read More »CONFIDENCE

It’s raining candies

I am loving the vivid imagination of my 4-year-old The stories that he weaves are part magical and part hysterical. Here is this morning’s one.

As I lazed on my bed this morning, somewhere in the region of delicious half awakeness, I heard the urgent pitter-patter of little feet. They were loud as they passed by my door and then softer as they scattered around the house. Little A had woken up. I knew something wasn’t right. 

A for

A for… Transitions can be hard especially for a five-year-old. Remeber your first day at college or workplace? We have all been nervous about meeting new people, anxious about connections, the pressure of performance, the need to establish oneself and… Read More »A for

Traveling with kids

Traveling with small children can be stressful. There is, after all, relentless planning, panic-inducing air-travel, tantrum-ridden eating-out and ceaseless tantrums and sleepless nights to contend with. But the things we experience together traveling are not available in any brochure. Travel brings us priceless moments of growth for both children as well as parents.