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Published on KQED(NPR) Perspectives on May 7, 201 Sandhya Acharya would love to have the soaring confidence of her six-year-old. Who wouldn’t like to believe that everything about you is just great? One afternoon, in my son’s schoolyard, I watched… Read More »CONFIDENCE


Each fall as the leaves make their final journey to rest on earth, my heart fills with dread. I know what is coming. The cold air will nip my fingertips. The landscape will forget its green, its yellow, its orange,… Read More »BEST GIFT EVER

It’s raining candies

I am loving the vivid imagination of my 4-year-old The stories that he weaves are part magical and part hysterical. Here is this morning’s one.

As I lazed on my bed this morning, somewhere in the region of delicious half awakeness, I heard the urgent pitter-patter of little feet. They were loud as they passed by my door and then softer as they scattered around the house. Little A had woken up. I knew something wasn’t right.